Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
July 27, 2024


Hopkins is a diverse university where an incredible mix of cultures, academic interests and personalities coexist and thrive. Here is the section where you can publish your unique thoughts, ideas and perspectives on life at Hopkins and beyond.

The CMJ Music Marathon in review

For any CMJ Music Marathon, one probably goes in knowing a little more than one percent of the 1300 bands that come each year. The New York City-based showcase features many groups who are playing their first shows in NYC and for the first time for a majority of the audience. It is a great way to see what is happening currently and what is up-and-coming within music among different labels and locations in the country and even the world. Here were some of my favorite shows from the trip:

Gender equality is a two way street

This past Tuesday night, Phi Mu held their annual Mr. Phi Mu event, a loosely defined talent contest that raised money to benefit the Katie Oppo Ovarian Cancer Research Fund. The event basically consists of a bunch of representatives from the various fraternities and sports teams performing on stage.

Becoming the animals behind the cage

In the middle of the afternoon on a Monday, the library, as always, is jam-packed. Students chug paper cups of coffee. A girl fails to pull her nose from the binding of a paperback book. Some students slump over in their rolling armchairs, having abandoned for a moment the conscious will to sit up straight. Several boys basking in the glow of a Chemistry slideshow forget how to blink, breathe.

Before you ask, check your privilege

This summer when I was working at my camp, I had a ton of conversations about feminism and being a woman. I talked to other counselors about how to empower my female campers, and I talked to campers about what it looks like to have safe, women-only spaces. I watched as one of the girls I worked with engaged in an emotionally abusive relationship because of pressures she felt from other campers. I learned a lot about feminism, I grew into myself as a woman and I walked away from the summer with a lot of questions.

How to stay calm, cool and covered this fall

And here it comes. The overwhelming feeling when you walk outside and want to cry. Here comes the moment when you would rather sleep on a fraternity floor than take the beloved walk home. It is finally fall, and no amount of “basic” fall loving can change the fact that it’s cold outside.

Ben Affleck vs. Bill Maher: a fight of flaws

The media was abuzz this week as clips of Bill Maher, host of Real Time with Bill Maher, and actor/director Ben Affleck, from Argo among other films, participating in a heated debate over “Islamaphobia” circulated the web. The argument centered on the pertinent topic of how we, as Westerners, shape our perceptions of Islam and Islamic society.

A bouncy home for Fall Break

My youngest niece, Alejandra, recently turned 4 years old, and since I chose to go to college in a different state and my weekends are far from open, I was not able to attend the festivities. My sister first notified me of the plan to host Alejandra’s birthday at Bounce U, a big bouncy spot in the Bronx, a good 2 months ago in the worst way possible... a text.

My favorite Halloween movies, resurrected

Growing up, I watched a lot of Halloween movies. I would usually watch whatever Disney Channel Original Movie was premiering that year, but my favorites were always the cartoons. There was a period of time when Cartoon Network would play the same Scooby-Doo episodes in October year after year, and I always tuned in.

Crystal Castles' break-up: My honest eulogy

As of Oct. 8, the punk meets synthpop duo Crystal Castles is no more. Vocalist Alice Glass went to social media to declare the end of the band for both professional and personal reasons, stating she hoped people would embrace her material as a solo artist like they did with Crystal Castles. This comes two years after the release of their third album, (III), and definitely puts any plans for a fourth album into a state of purgatory.

 Courtesy of Andre. T. via Flickr

Crystal Castles' break-up: My honest eulogy

As of Oct. 8, the punk meets synthpop duo Crystal Castles is no more. Vocalist Alice Glass went to social media to declare the end of the band for both professional and personal reasons, stating she hoped people would embrace her material as a solo artist like they did with Crystal Castles. This comes two years after the release of their third album, (III), and definitely puts any plans for a fourth album into a state of purgatory.

Tips to stop the freshman plague

Alright freshmen, listen up. This plague that’s been going around? That’s gotta stop. I understand that there’s the whole thing about how we’ve all come from different places with different viruses and we’re spreading them around and blah blah science speak.

The world’s cities, like souveneirs collected

As an avid globe-trotter, I almost always require a change of scenery. Happiness is the date and time on a plane ticket to somewhere far away. Every new place is intoxicating — but then comes the hangover. I don’t buy silly little fridge magnets; I try to keep the cities bottled as atmospheres, moods and characters for my growing collection. Fancy a sniff?

Disorientation Guide is important, but flawed

The issues discussed in the Disorientation Guide are real and require our attention. Reading the work of the anonymous authors, I was proud for the first time to be a part of the Hopkins community. It has never been a secret that “many students... actively volunteer... without critical reflection on the motivation behind their involvement, or the relationship between the organization and the community with which it is involved.”

What to do about the V word: Virginity

When and if I ever walk down the aisle, there’s a good chance I won’t be wearing a white dress. If you’re wondering why, let me explain: the color white has everything to do with ideas of purity, virtue and, of course, the big one, virginity.

Gourmet gals underwhlemed by local Thai

You haven’t been to Thai Restaurant? It’s the best Thai near campus — or so a fellow food fiend told us. And after that, we heard about Thai Restaurant everywhere — friends picking up takeout, an Instagram post and then another taking over our feeds. Why had no one bothered to clue us in sooner? And the place is Zagat-rated. Upon hearing all of this, and as devoted foodies of Charles Village, we knew it was unacceptable that we hadn’t yet been. We bumped Thai Restaurant to the top of our list, letting it glide VIP-style past places like Birroteca and Parts and Labor that have long been waiting in line.

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