Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
April 26, 2024


Hopkins is a diverse university where an incredible mix of cultures, academic interests and personalities coexist and thrive. Here is the section where you can publish your unique thoughts, ideas and perspectives on life at Hopkins and beyond.

How to hide from your problems

Everyone knows Hopkins students are stressed. We scream stress from the tips of our bedheads to the soles of our unwashed socks. Everyone needs to get away for a little while, so here are the best places to do it.

HERO is an organization that trains students as certified EMTs for campus emergencies.

The most common questions I get as a HERO member

I’ve been a member of HERO since last fall and started service in March. I’ve wanted to be an EMT for a long time –- our training equips us to handle critical situations when a lot of people would feel helpless. Plus, learning to keep an even head under pressure goes a long way in life.

Other things we need tests for

If being a student at Hopkins has taught me anything, it has taught me that tests are the only real way to measure someone’s aptitude in something. Here are a few things I think I would be better at if they counted towards my GPA:

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