Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
July 27, 2024

Science & Technology

A team of Hopkins researchers in collaboration with London Women’s Clinic in the U.K. identified a strong association between chromosomal abnormalities, developmental arrest and low morphological rating in preimplantation human in vitro fertilized embryos. 

Study on chromosomal abnormalities sheds light on in early embryo development in human reproduction and IVF

Rajiv McCoy, an assistant professor in the Department of Biology, and his collaborators at London Women’s Clinic in the U.K. discovered a strong correlation between chromosome abnormalities, embryo arrest and low blastocyst morphological grading of the in vitro fertilization (IVF) of human preimplantation embryos. Their results were recently published in Genome Medicine.

Nathan Pennington discussed the problems with the way differential equations are presented in courses.

Nathan Pennington highlights the limitation of exact answers in Ex Numera lecture

Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Creighton University Nathan Pennington delivered a guest lecture to Ex Numera, the undergraduate mathematics club, on Oct. 9. It was their third speaker of the semester. The talk, titled “Why You Should Take Differential Equations,” discussed the issues with typical first-semester differential equations courses in comparison to what the topic looks like.

Stories of strokes: From martial arts to MEG

While taking the class Cognitive Neuroscience with Professor Mick Bonner in my freshman year, I heard my future PI Dr. Elisabeth Marsh present the five guiding principles she employs while working at the intersection of stroke research and clinical medicine. I joined the Marsh Lab soon after. While I was interested in learning more about stroke, I did not understand the true complexities of the disease until the fall of 2022, when my grandpa suffered from a stroke.

In an Oct. 3 talk, Renee Brady discussed the efficacy of employing patient reported outcomes in cancer treatments.

Renee Brady on patient-specific models for cancer response prediction

In the Institute for Computational Medicine (ICM) special seminar series on Oct 3., Assistant Professor at the Integrated Mathematical Oncology Department at H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute Renee Brady shared insights on using minimally invasive biomarkers to predict treatment responses.

A recently published hydrogel treatment promises to alleviate the “pill fatigue“ often experienced by patients living with HIV.

Nascent development in HIV therapy emerges at Hopkins

In a groundbreaking development, a team of Hopkins researchers has unveiled an innovation in HIV therapy that promises to transform the lives of individuals with the virus. This research, published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, offers a novel method to maintain clinically sufficient drug levels through an injectable solution that autonomously forms into a hydrogel.

Soatto’s Sept. 26 talk addressed public anxiety regarding large language models.

Stefano Soatto demystifies large language models as ChatGPT advances

In the Sept. 26 Department of Computer Science (CS) Distinguished Lecture Series, Stefano Soatto, a CS professor from the University of California, Los Angeles, and Vice President of Applied Science for Amazon Web Services AI, spoke about the learning and controllability of large language models (LLMs) and computer vision.

This past week marked the awarding of the 2023 Nobel Prizes. Below is The News-Letter‘s brief introduction to the groundbreaking work in the fields of medicine, chemistry and physics.

Science news in review: Oct. 8

For many of us, this past week was marked by late nights studying for midterms and catching up on work in Brody Learning Commons. Yet, for the global scientific community, it was marked by the announcements of the 2023 Nobel Prizes! 

Doctoral candidates at Hopkins helped discovered a combination of microscopy methods that can facilitate understanding and early detection of treatment-resistant cells. 

Microscopy methods have potential to detect treatment-resistant cancer cells early

Jeong Hee Kim and Lintong Wu, two doctoral candidates in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University, contributed to a study that examined an efficient screening method to detect therapy-induced senescent (TIS) cells that can increase the chance of therapy resistance and cancer relapse. This study, recently published in Science Advances, was in collaboration with researchers from the Polytechnic University of Milan and the National Research Council in Italy.

Back row from left to right: Charlie Almoney, Arijit Nukala and Bucky Bryner. Middle: Ria Jha, Alexandra Gorham, Krisha Thakur and Nina Nair. Front: Sneha Batheja. OnPoint Ventilation discusses their work and future goals in an interview with The News-Letter.

Hopkins design team enters 2023 Collegiate Inventors Competition

One-lung ventilation (OLV), a practice required for many chest procedures, involves the ventilation of one lung and the deflation of the other but has many risks. Amid the height of the pandemic, the OnPoint Ventilation team — initiated as part of the Biomedical Engineering (BME) Design Team program — embarked on a mission to invent a safer instrument for this critical procedure, resulting in the Bronchosleeve, which will be presented at this year's Collegiate Inventors Competition in Washington, D.C.

Duke Professor Roarke Horstmeyer discussed his recent work on multi-camera microscopy in a lecture delivered to the Hopkins community. 

Revolution in microscopy: Roarke Horstmeyer on multi-camera array microscopes

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) hosted a seminar on Sept. 26 to showcase the research conducted by Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Duke University Roarke Horstmeyer. The talk, titled "Computational 3D Video Microscopy with Multi-camera Arrays," explained the design and algorithm behind the state-of-the-art multi-camera array microscopes (MCAMs) and several use cases.

Toh shares his personal passion for molecular bioengineering research and reflects on his experience as an undergraduate researcher at Hopkins. 

Big truths from small molecules

As an undergraduate researcher, every experiment I undertake reaffirms my childhood belief: Understanding the intricacies of the microscopic can have a profound impact on the broader scope of human health. 

NASA astronaut Frank Rubio returned to Earth after spending more than a year at the International Space Station due to unanticipated damage to his return capsule.  

Science News in Review: Oct. 1

The study found that Molnupiravir could be linked to the transmission of specific SARS-CoV-2 variants. This is thought to be possible if SARS-CoV-2 patients who underwent Molnupiravir treatment still had a residual viral load that was likely unable to cause severe symptoms but could cause future spread. 

Huang (top left) shares her experiences as a freshman participating in HopHacks, a 36-hour coding competition, alongside Tom Wang (bottom left), Jonathan He (top right) and Kevin Lie (bottom right).

Freshmen at HopHacks: 36 sleepless hours

HopHacks is the big name that brings passionate engineering students from across Maryland together with the common fantasy of transforming innovative ideas into working prototypes within a mere 36 hours. 

Hopkins researchers’ conversion of atmospheric carbon dioxide to useful chemical fuels may have important applications in electric vehicles and efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

Atmospheric carbon dioxide can be transformed into a clean source of chemical energy

Contemporary scientists have been addressing the ever-pressing problem of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions through carbon capture and storage, which captures, transports and stores CO2 produced by power plants and factories deep underground. A team led by Anthony Shoji Hall, an assistant professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, recently took emissions reduction efforts one step further.

Ying’s many contributions to the field of nanotechnology were the subject of a seminar hosted by the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.

Jackie Ying describes the applications of nanostructured materials in energy and medicine

On Wednesday, Sept. 20, the director of NanoBio Lab and founding executive director of the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology in Singapore, part of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Jackie Ying discussed functionalizing nanomaterials for various applications, such as increasing energy storage in batteries, preventing antimicrobial resistance and delivering anti-cancer agents.

NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS / CC BY-NC 2.0
Among this week’s science news, the Curiosity Rover reached the Gediz Vallis Ridge, the suspected location of an ancient debris flow.

Science news in review: Sept. 26

Just as the seasons change, bringing rain with them, so too does scientific learning fall upon us. This week‘s scientific highlights include new insights into European Neanderthal populations, assumptions on one of Leonardo da Vinci‘s hypotheses proving false and a new phase for the Curiosity Rover.

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