Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
July 26, 2024

My food-filled break in the Big Apple

By AMANDA GARCIA | March 28, 2013

Spring break has taken on a whole new meaning. It used to be seen as that one week where everyone would travel to a hot climate and show off their spring-ready bodies in next to nothing. Now, as I scroll down my newsfeed on Facebook, all I see are photographs from unconventional Spring Break destinations, spanning from cold Canada to just-as-cold Michigan.

When I decided to head home to New York, I didn’t think it would be too exciting activities-wise since I would most likely veg out with my family for the most part, but it turned out to be anything but.

My week consisted of trying an array of new things, many of which were thankfully food-related. I had the “Best Sliders in the City” at Mark’s, got chocolate wasted at Max Brenner’s, devoured some goodies from Cake Boss Bakery and slices of Puerto Rican heaven at Sazon.

When I wasn’t eating I was getting schooled in pool at a village billiards, flying through credits like crazy at Dave & Buster’s, strolling SoHo, and learning the true meaning of “ratchet” at Webster Hall. Despite all of these great experiences, including being a part of the live tweeting team in the studio audience for Anderson Live where I could nearly touch the Grumpy Cat, my favorite part was spending the day with my niece Alex.

Watching Alex for the day definitely showed me how different little ones act when away from their siblings. When this girl is around her brothers and older sister that’s it, you better have some cartoons on and iPads passed around or you will not be relaxing. But when it was only the two of us in my grandparent’s house, she was an angel, no lie. This girl sat on the big comfy chair and watched Dora, played catch with a sheep toy, which she swore was a cow, and then passed out on the bed with me. I did not break a sweat. I guess quality time with her aunt brought out the best in her. Sadly, it ended up being very lucky that I even had that time to spend with her, since all of the babies ended up getting sick with the stomach virus the very next day.

Anyway, hopefully you had a nice little break from school and work, whether you did something extremely exciting or only caught up with your favorite shows *cough* Netflix *cough.*

Now, back to the struggle.

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