Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
July 27, 2024


By RYAN KAHN | March 15, 2012

On Saturday night, the
Blue Jay men's hoops team
added more hardware to
an already successful season
with a playoff-clinching
win over Ursinis, 65-
60. However, it was senior
forward Tim McCarty who
nearly stole the show on
Senior Day.
The Economics major
from Warrington, PA is the
type of player who would
be the last one to take any
sort of credit in the win -
he would mention the entire
lineup's box scores before
mentioning his own.
Still, one must give credit
where credit is due.
McCarty rose to the occasion
of the big night, going
six-of-seven from the
field, three-of-four from
three-point range and
seven-of-10 from the line,
totaling 25 points for a career
Looking past his career
night on Saturday, McCarty
has excelled in his four
years as a Blue Jay on the
court, in the classroom and
around campus. First, he
has been an integral player
since his freshman year for
the basketball team.
Second, with Academic
all-American honors, Mc-
Carty is the ideal student
with an unparalleled work
ethic. Lastly, coaches,
teammates and friends
alike will agree, McCarty
is just an all-around great
guy to be around.
The News-Letter (N-L):
Going into this weekend's
game, what did you feel
like the team needed to do
to make the playoffs?
Tim McCarty (TM): We
knew this was a big game
heading into it. We knew
if we could beat Ursinus,
we would punch our ticket
to the playoffs. This was a
large task at hand because
Ursinus had beaten us the
past six times we met.
We believed we could
beat them and got the job
done on Saturday. We did
not want to leave it to the
last week of the season
to see if we were playoff
bound or not.
N-L: What do you think
the team needs to improve
on to make a deep playoff
push? TM: Our goal is to get
better everyday. We need
to improve on our reb
o u n d -
ing as a
team. Our
d e f e n s e
has been
superb so
far, but
s o m e -
times we
forfeit 30
s e c o n d s
of excellent
s u r r e n -
dering an
If we can
make a
c o l l e c -
tive team
effort to
focus on
the ball on both ends
of the court, we can make
ourselves a tough out
come playoff time.
N-L: How have you been
able to balance basketball
with academics and really
excel in both?
TM: Hard work. No
matter what I am doing,
I try to give 100 percent.
That way, when I look myself
in the mirror at night, I
knew I gave it my best shot.
Also, time management
is a huge component for a
student-athlete to be successful
at Hopkins because
we are always so busy and
constantly having to multitask.
I like being busy
and would much rather
have my schedule now
compared to a scenario in
which I would have too
much time on my hands.
N-L: What are your
plans for after you graduate?
TM: After I graduate, I
have a full time job as an
investment banking analyst
with Stifel Nicolaus
Weisel out of their Baltimore
N-L: What do you do in
your free time?
TM: I love to play golf.
After my basketball career
I anticipate
lot of my
free time
to playing
Golf is
a great
game to
have fun
with your
f r i e n d s
and you
can play
it your
w h o l e
life. I
am also
a huge
P h i l a -
d e l p h i a
s p o r t s
fan: Eagles
Phillies, Flyers or
Sixers. It's too bad they
are not producing a lot of
N-L: How far do you
think the Philadelphia
76ers will go this season?
And what do you make of
the New York Knicks' Jeremy
Lin, also known as
TM: The Sixers are a
huge surprise. For the talent
they have, I am shocked
at their record. With the
team playing the way it is
now, the sky is the limit for
this team. Realistically, I
think they can get to the
Eastern Conference finals
but can't beat the Heat in a
seven game series.
And Jeremy Lin is an
incredible story. He is an
inspiration to everyone to
always believe in yourself
when no one else does. A
week ago people thought
he was a team manager,
and now he has blossomed
into a star. He is also someone
who is easy to root for
because he comes off as a
good person who worked
incredibly hard to get to
where he is today.

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