Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
June 16, 2024

On Tuesday, Nov. 1, the Hopkins Organization for Programming (HOP) announced that singer/songwriter Josh Kelley would perform at its annual fall concert to be held on Saturday, Nov. 19.

"We chose him because he's pretty up and coming," said HOP President Alessandra Wood. "We thought we'd give Hopkins the chance to get someone who's on the verge."

The show will be open to the general public, but HOP hopes Kelley will attract more Hopkins students than last year's performance by Rufus Wainwright with his comparatively more mainstream status.

HOP member Carleigh Connelly explained, "Last year we sold out for the Rufus [Wainwright] concert, but that was also because we sold tickets to non-Hopkins students. We were looking for an artist where the majority of people at the concert would be Hopkins students."

Although many students may not know Kelley's name, they are likely to recognize his songs, which have recently received a lot of coverage. His recently released single "Only You" is now at 16 and rising on the Hot AC Chart, a ranking of songs based on national airplay. Kelley's second album, Almost Honest, was released by Hollywood Records in August, and the title track is also a featured song on the Smallville Vol.2 soundtrack.

Funding played a significantly limiting role in the HOP's selection, since big name groups can cost up to $150,000. "Our budget is a little bit limited, so we can't get bands like Jack Johnson or Coldplay," Wood explained. Josh Kelley costs $7,000-10,000, according to Concert Ideas, a booking agency for college events.

Connelly said, "Another constraint is that the concert's at Shriver, so you can't dance around and stuff. It kind of has to be a more chilled out artist who's relatively popular."

Sophomore Isaac Ketz, who attended the Rufus Wainwright show, says, "I thought the concert was really good. He's kind of a big name. So I think they did a good job of getting someone that everyone knows."

When asked if they are interested in seeing Josh Kelley, students express varied sentiments. Sophomore Stephanie Mercer said, "I don't know who he is, so probably no."

Freshman Ilana Wolk raved about the choice, saying, "I heard Josh Kelley about four years ago, and he is such a great musician. I'm totally going to go to his concert."

Kelley toured with such musical groups as the Dave Matthews Band and the Goo Goo Dolls to promote his debut album For The Ride Home, which VH1 describes as "a collection of bluegrass-inspired love songs and ballads that put a foot-stomping spin on modern acoustic pop."

Although Kelley is currently on tour with JEM, there are currently no plans for an opening act at the Hopkins show. Doors will open at 8 p.m., and tickets are $6 with a J-Card and $12 for the public. Tickets go on sale Tuesday, Nov. 8 in Levering Food Court from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

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