Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
August 31, 2024


Hopkins is a diverse university where an incredible mix of cultures, academic interests and personalities coexist and thrive. Here is the section where you can publish your unique thoughts, ideas and perspectives on life at Hopkins and beyond.

Park, previously a Peabody student, begins her first semester on the Homewood campus.

Being the new junior on campus

The night before the first day of classes, my roommate asked me if I would be able to find my way around campus. The next day came, and once I arrived, I immediately realized that I had absolutely no idea where I was going.

Paulisich finds comfort in poetry as he copes with the pandemic and the loss of his grandmother.

What a poem can do

When my grandmother passed away last fall, I thought my world had ended. Honestly, I still do. She shared the fate of many unfortunate people during this pandemic. She died alone. She was in a nursing home and luckily, she had a window, so we could see her and wave for a bit, but it’s not the same.

Iyer struggles to find food at the Fresh Food Cafe that accommodates her dietary needs.

Plant-based meat doesn’t cut it

Just like every other person, I have several substantial aspects to my personality that I make sure to mention on a daily basis. For example, every person on my floor is now very much aware that the state of Michigan obtained the Upper Peninsula after the Battle of Toledo. 

York reflects on her previously rushed approach to life, and how she’ll begin to take her time with life.

I need to stop rushing the future

Few things about sixth grade stand out as particularly memorable to me, but I do remember something my band director used to say to me when I meandered into his room complaining that I couldn’t wait for the day, the week, the year to end. He’d always say, “Don’t go wishing your life away.”

After having laser eye surgery, Limpe considers how glasses shaped her identity throughout childhood.

A rose-tinted view

When I was in elementary school, I was always known as the girl with glasses. Due to an unfortunate mix of poor genetics and playing Wii and Nintendo DS during my childhood, I was forced to don wired spectacles by six years old. 

Lola returns to campus as a senior after more than a year of online classes.

On feeling like a fourth-year freshman

One of my friends keeps joking that Hopkins has three classes of freshmen this year. And while I don’t want to make light of the serious loss we’ve all suffered in our education (and other areas of life), he’s not exactly wrong. 

Gahagen reflects on the pleasant surprises Baltimore has provided her.

Baltimore Syndrome

I walked along N. Charles Street this morning, Taylor Swift’s album Red playing in my ears and the crisp, 63-degree air necessitating a cardigan to keep me from shivering. The feeling of the cool air, complemented by the warmth of the sun’s rays, made me feel excited to see the turning of the seasons, the likes of which I had never seen.

Im looks forward to being there for her younger sister who is beginning her freshman year at Hopkins.

My freshman sister

As the end of August drew near, I began to spot more and more cars filled with boxes and suitcases parked outside the AMRs and CharMar. After a semester and a summer of online everything — whether it be a class, movie watch party or an internship — seeing people walking around on campus was surreal. 

Tuschman adjusts to her first semester on campus.

Feeling like a fraud

You can’t go to Hopkins without hearing about impostor syndrome. As soon as I accepted my admissions offer from the University, it was like a specter waving at me from the semester to come. The phrase continuously popped up in Reddit threads and prospective student group chats. Upperclassmen warned me that I would sometimes (or often) feel inferior to my classmates, doubt my intelligence and wonder how I ever got accepted in the first place.

Li reflects on her experience joining a campus ministry at Hopkins.

Navigating friendship during a virtual semester

For most people, the COVID-19 pandemic constituted an upheaval of regular social order and a reworking of existing patterns and habits. While this manifested in my life in many ways, it was especially distinct in its effect on my relationships, considering the important transitionary period I was entering during the pandemic. 

Kye tells the story of her mother’s rescue horse Quincy and his declining health.

Rescuing Quincy

My mother’s dream since childhood was to have a horse. She was not around horses as a kid, other than in books, and only began riding in her 20s. In her 40s, she began volunteering at a horse rescue. 

Lesser looks back on his first days of school as he experiences his first fall semester on campus.

Smile, it’s the first day of school

Whenever I think of the first day of school, I think of a specific photo of myself standing outside of my grandparents’ apartment in Rio. I’m 3 years old, wearing a school uniform, holding a clear backpack and grinning from cheek to cheek.

Reminiscing on my memories at Hopkins

I recently passed the Rec Center and noticed the blown-up photograph of students on treadmills. I suddenly came to the realization that, in my four years at Hopkins, I have never set foot in the exercise room there. (My trips to the Rec Center have always been for the squash courts — please don’t judge me and my athletic inclinations.)  

Isaacs returns to the Gatehouse to write her final column.

A thank you to The News-Letter

After a longer-than-expected hiatus from the Gatehouse (The News-Letter’s office), I’ve somehow found myself back here again to write my last column. It feels fitting. There is something comforting about being back in the space where I spent so much of the last four years. In fact, there were many weeks where I spent more time here than I did in my own apartment. It feels good to be back, though more than a little bittersweet.

Malcom and Wilner look back at the journey of The News-Letter this past year.

Our time as Editors-in-Chief during a pandemic

In April 2020, sitting at computers almost 3,000 miles apart, we were elected to be Editors-in-Chief of The News-Letter. By then, we’d been doing remote production for about a month, but at the time, we believed that things would soon return to normal.

Choi reminisces about special moments in Baltimore and at Hopkins.

Remembering my favorite place on earth

Last weekend, one of my friends helped me take graduation photos around Decker Quad. It was unusually cold and windy. We posed in front of the lecture halls and admin buildings that framed the well-tended lawn, forcing smiles against cool gusts of spring air that whipped across the quad. 

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