Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
July 27, 2024


The opinions presented below are solely the views of the author and do not represent the views of The News-Letter. If you are a member of the Hopkins community looking to submit a piece or a letter to the editor, please email

To analyzes the ins and outs of hookup culture on college campuses, questioning whether casual sex really empowers women. 

Is the "hoe phase" really empowering?

There is nothing wrong with a woman wanting casual sex. There is nothing wrong with a woman wanting something more than casual sex. The game itself is what’s wrong. 

An apology is long overdue. Hopkins must do more for the Lacks family.

Last week, the family of Henrietta Lacks filed a lawsuit against biotech company Thermo Fisher Scientific. Seventy years ago, Lacks sought treatment for cervical cancer at Hopkins Hospital, where doctors harvested her cells without her knowledge. Following her death, her immortal cells, known as the HeLa cell line, would revolutionize modern medicine. 

Andersson critiques the culture surrounding food at Hopkins, encouraging students to nourish their bodies. 

Let’s talk: eating disorders on campus

It has been a mere six weeks on campus and already I have lost track of the number of times I have heard some excuse to skip a meal: too much schoolwork, too stressed to eat, holding off until a later event.

We want to follow the rules. We just need a little more guidance.

As the winter season approaches and people increasingly opt to stay indoors, flu season has made its presence known on campus. With friends, fellow students, and even professors falling ill, it seems that everyone has been feeling under the weather. In a normal year, this might not be a cause for particular alarm. In a new normal year, however, this is concerning. 


We can't catch a break.

This semester feels like a never-ending marathon. With midterm season upon us, students must constantly juggle exams, papers, applications and extracurriculars. To add to this stress, there are no formal breaks this semester in the 11 weeks between Labor Day and Thanksgiving.

Van Atta describes the freshman experience at our University through a critical lens. 

The challenge of seeking balance at Hopkins

“Are you premed?” is the most common and frequent question I am asked after mentioning that I attend Hopkins or am majoring in Neuroscience. I have become accustomed to the blank, confused stares that I receive as I coolly respond with “Actually, no.”

Arashanapalli investigates how the expansion of technology has impacted our education system and the psyches of students. 

I don't care, just tell me the answer!

When it comes to technology and education, our preexisting negligence has been aggravated due to the onset of COVID-19. Students are reliant on their devices more than themselves and acquaint their identities in the grades they are compelled to work after. The precarious handling under the educational system drives students into an abyss of burnout and hollowed dignity.


Feeling uncertain about the semester? Us too

It truly was another unprecedented summer. As vaccines became more readily available and COVID-19 cases in Baltimore declined this past June, Hopkins relaxed its indoor mask mandate and weekly testing policies. Many students felt optimistic that the fall would represent as close a return to normal as possible. 

Maury recounts experiences of discrimination, mistreatment and silence at the hands of University affiliates. 

Disability isn't taken seriously at Hopkins

During my time as a graduate student in the Engineering for Professionals (EP) program, I’ve had nine Hopkins professors. Only two have provided the disability accommodations the University promised. The kinder ones treat accommodations like a courtesy they’re free to ignore.

Felix reviews the qualms of American immigration politics and explores new ways the Biden administration could change the status quo.

Kamala Harris on immigration: Same wine, new bottle

The Biden administration has taken the initiative to roll back cruel Trump-era policies, expedite the processing of migrants and make material conditions of the undocumented population more bearable. Nonetheless, the overwhelming approach laid out by the White House still endorses law and order deterrence: The proposed budget for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has increased for the fiscal year 2022 and a strategy to discourage immigration from the source is being pursued.

Felix examines the United States' approach to gun violence as the Supreme Court decides to review individuals’ rights to bear arms.

The Second Amendment is America’s self-destruct button

The U.S Supreme Court recently decided to hear and review its first case on an individual’s right to bear arms since 2010. The litigation challenges a New York state law that requires residents to prove “proper cause” in order to obtain a pistol or a concealed carry permit. 

Arboleda is critical of the Senate as a legislative body, given the undemocratic state it has reached. 

We need to talk about Senate reform

Article One of the U.S. Constitution establishes the House of Representatives and the Senate. The House is based on population size while the Senate ensures equal representation for each state. The hierarchy is said to have been designed to “cool House legislation just as a saucer was used to cool hot tea.”

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