Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
May 2, 2024


The opinions presented below are solely the views of the author and do not represent the views of The News-Letter. If you are a member of the Hopkins community looking to submit a piece or a letter to the editor, please email

Vincent Chin, a Chinese-American man, was murdered in Michigan in 1982.

“Model minority” myth shrouds discrimination

Sometimes I imagine what it would be like for me to be a model. I can only imagine, because the market for Asian male models is rather small, and I’m not the best looking out of all of them. But fortunately enough, society has deemed me a model minority, and that’s the closest I’ll ever get to actually being a model.

Two Jewish cemeteries, in Philadelphia and in Missouri, have been vandalized since Trump took office.

Rising anti-Semitism reveals closeted bigotry in America

Since Trump’s inauguration, anti-Semitism has been rising at a disturbing rate. According to CNN, 48 Jewish community centers (JCCs) in 26 states have received almost 70 bomb threats, and two Jewish cemeteries, in Philadelphia and in Missouri, were vandalized.

Editorial: FAS lineup reflects current political climate on campus

The Foreign Affairs Symposium’s (FAS) speaker series theme this semester is “Undercurrent,” which the promotional poster describes as “an underlying feeling or influence, especially one that is contrary to the prevailing atmosphere.”

Lelchuk is producing the Barnstormers’ Spring Awakening, in part, to protest Trump.

The National Endowment for the Arts should be protected

As the days go on, it seems more and more likely that the Trump administration will eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) in order to divert the money elsewhere. Regardless of whether or not this actually happens, the fact that the Office of the President would put forth such an idea is extraordinarily alarming.

Ome’s grandfather, age six, and his family were interned in Tule Lake, Calif.

75 years later, the legacy of Japanese internment persists

On Feb. 19, 1942 President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, enacting the removal and incarceration of over 120,000 people of Japanese descent on the West Coast. This past Sunday marked the 75th anniversary of Executive Order 9066 and the annual Day of Remembrance for the internment of Japanese Americans.

Editorial: Democratic Party should listen to its younger members

Donna Brazile, the interim chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), came to Hopkins last Friday as part of a “listening tour” to connect with students. She spoke about the future of the Democratic Party in a meeting closed to the general campus community and open only to leaders of ten left-leaning groups on campus.

horancapitaladv/cc by 2.0
It is difficult to reach a consensus, so try to be open minded.

Look for neutrality, not consensus, in discussions with peers

Many of us are familiar with the phrase “agree to disagree.” Some of us may consider this phrase to be symbolic of an informed conclusion after a well-reasoned discussion. After all, we live in a world where to recognize diversity, including diversity of thought, is considered valuable.

 lorie schaull/cc by-sa 4.0
Keith Ellison is running for DNC chair as a representative of the leftists in the party.

The Democrats are on their way out

This weekend, I watched a talk from Larry Holmes (not the boxer but the first secretary of the Workers World Party) about the current role of the Democratic Party. After the election, Holmes made the point that if the Democrats truly wanted to stop Trump, as they claim to in their rhetoric, they could do so easily.

The Maryland State House will hold hearings for the legislation.

Former research animals deserve safe homes

This month the Maryland General Assembly will be considering the Humane Adoption of Companion Animals Used in Research Act (SB 420, HB 528). This piece of legislation calls for research institutions in Maryland, including Hopkins and many others, to take reasonable steps in allowing for the adoption of research dogs and cats following their time spent as research animals.

Editorial: Promising Atrium app needs more professional oversight

A team of Hopkins students has created the mobile app Atrium as part of the Hopkins community’s mission to improve mental health on campus. The app is designed to provide free, anonymous peer support and counseling from a licensed therapist, and it is currently in pilot testing with Hopkins students.

Editorial: Why we need more spots in Computer Science classes

The Computer Science department is currently facing a shortage of teaching power, with waitlists for certain classes exceeding 50 people.  Many students, including CS majors and minors, struggle to get into the classes that they need in order to graduate.

 BAGOGAMES/cc by 2.0
The all-female Ghostbusters film was still directed by a man.

Hollywood needs to be more open to female directors

Think of a movie that revolves around the needs, desires and misadventures of at least one female character. No it cannot be a movie where a man spends an agonizing 120 minutes trying to get “the girl.” And no it cannot be a movie directed by a man. This is harder than it seems, right?

First-time protesters: Think and learn from the past

The Women’s March on Washington was fraught with problems from the very start. It was originally called the Million Women March, but black feminists pointed out that the Million Woman March had already occurred in Philadelphia in 1997. The organizers changed it to the Women’s March on Washington, which was then accused of co-opting the name of the historically important 1963 march.

Editorial: Follow Daniels’ example, reject Trump’s ban

President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Jan. 27 banning travel to the United States from seven Muslim-majority countries. This ban came only a week after Trump took office, taking many immigrants, travelers, students and American citizens by surprise.

Editorial: The fight for the Humanities Center isn’t over

After a six-month-long review of the Humanities Center (HC), Dean of the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences Beverly Wendland announced mid-January that the Center will remain open. The neutral committee tasked with reviewing the HC compiled a report detailing three potential alternatives.

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