Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
September 1, 2024


Leisure is the section where we highlight the intriguing, exciting and all-around fun events and activities happening in Baltimore over the weekend.

An action shot at Nationals Park in D.C. as the Nats are up to bat.

Should you go to an O’s or Nats game?

Here at Hopkins we have an unusual and special opportunity. While it’s clear that this school’s academic and research opportunities are top notch and of course there are many other opportunities, that is not what I’m talking about.

Baby’s on Fire is located on the relatively idyllic Morton Street, not far from the bustle of North Charles.

Baby’s On Fire offers alternative to Hampden

In the spirit of searching for new potential study spaces as the end of the semester draws near and deadlines loom, this past week I went to check out Baby’s On Fire, a coffee shop and record store in Mount Vernon. Named after the Brian Eno song, it opened just last year to generally positive reviews.

A railroad yard near Fort McHenry.

How to start your walking tour of Baltimore

Perhaps the most important part of any city, for me, is its walkability. Growing up in a town with absolutely nothing to do, walking for the sake of walking was legitimately an activity, and some of my fondest memories are talks with friends on aimless walks.

Second Chance in Pigtown is full of unique, fairly priced items that come with a histories all their own.

Second Chance benefits workers and buyers

It’s housing season here on campus, and while distressed freshmen may be busy making protest shirts about the dorm lottery, sophomores are facing another distinct challenge: grown-up, off-campus housing.

 courtesy of seth stadick
XS occupies four floors and offers a menu as large as its space.

XS offers an interesting bar-café atmosphere

I tried XS restaurant/bar/café for the first time early on a Sunday morning. To be honest, it wasn’t because I’d heard much about it or because I was even particularly interested in going there. It was because the Starbucks down the street had a very long line.

Georgetown Cupcakes are just as delicious as they are said to be.

A D.C. Sunday: brunch, bougie busboys and bikes

This semester, I vowed to see more of Baltimore. I forgot that I also wanted to see more of D.C. Sure, I’ve done the museums and monuments; I’ve been there for interviews, conferences and field trips. But I haven’t spent much time exploring the D.C. lifestyle.

Zoo Story will be performed this weekend at the John Astin Theater.

Baltimore theater offers both good prices and class

There’s just something about a night at the theater, the joy of experiencing a story unfold in real time, of feeling the energy of human emotion in the room, of sharing laughs and tears with otherwise strangers in the dark for two hours. Of course the built-in class factor also doesn’t hurt. Consider the following two statements:

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