Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
July 27, 2024


A rainbow doesn’t have to be the only good thing to come out of a rainy day!

It’s happened to all of us: You wake up ready to start your day, you have some breakfast, you put on a cute outfit and when you step outside, you feel raindrops on your head and realize you forgot to check your weather app. Baltimore skies are unpredictable and moody, and it’s not uncommon to find our plans suddenly canceled due to inclement weather and our days — for once — free. When the weather is already gloomy, no one wants to make their hearts even heavier by trudging through puddles to get to Brody, but how else to pass the time? If you’re in search of something to squash your boredom on a rainy day, look no further!

Watch a movie

Nothing beats ordering delivery or getting takeout, cozying up with a heavy blanket and picking a movie from your streaming service of choice. Try out a new restaurant, and explore Baltimore’s food scene from the comfort of your bed. 

Some of my favorites in the city (and this is coming from a Baltimore native) are Kong Pocha, Di Pasquales, Ekiben, BMORE Taquería and Johnny Rad’s. As for movies, a few that I’ve enjoyed recently, both old and new, are Party Girl (Amazon Prime), Rye Lane (Hulu), Superbad (Netflix) and Bodies Bodies Bodies (unfortunately, Showtime). Also, it’s a TV series, not a movie, but Fleabag on Amazon Prime is perfect.

Read a book

Between midterm after midterm, it can be hard to find the time to read something that isn’t a textbook chapter or required essay, so use the rain as a chance to read for you and you alone. Let the pitter-patter of rain fade into the background, and get lost in the pages of a good book. If you don’t have a book in store to read, and you have a library card, download the app Libby for access to free e-books. If you don’t have a library card, register online for an eCard from Enoch Pratt Free Library with your Baltimore address. 

If you’re looking for a recommendation, my favorite book from this summer was Heaven by Mieko Kawakami, a tender coming-of-age story about two teenagers finding connection and comfort in each other as each experiences ongoing, cruel bullying.

Arts and crafts

Unleash your creativity by having an arts and crafts night. You can have a relaxing time in the peace and quiet of your own company or have some friends over to chat and admire each others’ work as you go. Let your inner artist out and grab some paper and supplies to draw something beautiful, or get crafty with a DIY project, from handmade cards to upcycled home decor. 

You could make matching friendship bracelets, paint personalized wine glasses or draw some silly portraits. The process will be therapeutic, and (hopefully) you’ll end up with something worth keeping. 

PowerPoint night

If you know ahead of time that it’s gonna be a stormy weekend, prepare some slides and invite friends over for a PowerPoint night! Each person picks a topic of their choice — from a niche passion to a silly story to a ranked list of a random category — creates a PowerPoint presentation on said topic and presents it to the group. 

Some topic examples could be rating cry spots on campus or ranking former U.S. presidents based on looks. It’s the perfect excuse to force your friends to listen to your rambling and a super fun, laughter-filled way to learn about and bond with each other. 


Bake something

Have some fun in the kitchen, and dedicate the day to baking something delicious! There's something therapeutic about baking on a rainy day. From the precise measurements to the rhythmic mixing, it's a much-needed escape into a world of sweet indulgence. 

Get a simple box mix from the store, or find an online recipe for whatever you’re craving. The scent of baking wafting through the house will not only warm your space but also your heart. So, don your apron, preheat the oven and let the joy of baking be your remedy for a rainy day.

The next time you hear raindrops at your window, don't let it ruin your spirit. Instead, let it be an opportunity for the indoors to become your sanctuary for creativity, relaxation and connection, and turn a dreary day into a delightful one!

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