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September 1, 2024

SGA members discuss Student Involvement Fair and upcoming retreat

By ARANTZA GARCIA | February 5, 2022



SGA members discussed an initiative to improve the dress of its members.

The Student Government Association (SGA) held its weekly meeting on Feb. 1 to discuss the Student Involvement Fair (SIF), the purchase of a new SGA banner, incentives to encourage better dress at meetings and an SGA retreat. 


  • After two years of virtual involvement fairs, SGA Faculty Advisor Carolyn Harris observed that this year’s SIF on Feb. 4 will have an in-person component. While students can register to visit booths on Friday, there is also a virtual component running all week. 
  • Harris made sure to emphasize the importance of offering online resources for students who are not able to participate in in-person activities, noting, “It’s a really good way for folks who might not be able to show up in person this Friday or who just aren’t able to show up at all.”

Banner Funding Bill

  • Freshman Class Senator Nasreen Naqvi presented the Banner Funding Bill to buy a new SGA banner. 
  • Naqvi discussed the importance of the bill, saying, “A new banner is necessary for future tabling events and SGA representation.”
  • The bill passed unanimously.

Winner of Best Professional Dress

  • Senior Class Senator Angela Hussain presented the second funding bill of the meeting, the Best Professional Dress Award Bill
  • Hussain explained the reasoning behind this bill, remarking, “We are introducing this SGA Best Dress Award to incentivize dressing professionally so we can have cohesiveness and represent ourselves and our student body well.”
  • This would be achieved by awarding a best-dressed member of SGA with small prizes throughout the semester. The total budget for this bill over the course of the spring semester would be $60, with members for the SGA receiving keychains and pens. 
  • The bill passed unanimously and the meeting ended with Hussain winning the vote and receiving the title.

SGA Retreat Planning

  • This Saturday the SGA is having its spring retreat at FastForward U. Members of SGA will engage in team-building activities and discuss improvements for SGA.
  • Additionally, there will be small presentations by class council chairs summarizing their role in SGA last semester.
  • Now that SGA members have been on campus long enough to grow accustomed to in-person procedures, Executive Vice President Breanna Soldatelli stated that members will talk about improvements for SGA. This will be complemented by setting goals and plans for the coming semester. 

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