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Self-care tips from The News-Letter editors

By SARAH Y. KIM | November 29, 2018

 Sometimes it helps to set everything down and stare into space for a few minutes. If I’m at home, I like to open the window, sit on my bed and focus on something aesthetically pleasing in my room, like my succulent, Luna. I’d listen to something instrumental to slow down my heart rate and breathing: Studio Ghibli soundtracks, Hilary Hahn’s Bach recordings, Schumann and the “Peaceful Piano” playlist on Spotify are always helpful. Afterward, I always feel more grounded, alert and focused. 

- Sarah Y. Kim, Opinions Editor

 I wake up at least an hour and a half before I have to leave in the morning; that way I have time to make breakfast and coffee/get caught up on work/scroll through social media. I’m always super relaxed and focused for the rest of the day.

- Alyssa Wooden, Managing Editor

 I paint my nails and watch Netflix. I physically can’t do most of my work with wet nails, so it forces me to take time off to just do something for myself. 

- Amelia Isaacs, Arts & Entertainment Editor

 Every Sunday night, I write up quotes of the week on the whiteboard in my room. They can range from wise words from Beyoncé to Aristotle. It helps set the tone for the rest of the week going forward and gives me some much-needed inspo in the moments when I’m feeling overwhelmed.

- Katherine Logan, Voices Editor 

If I’ve ever had a rough day, my coping mechanism is eating bad takeout with my roommates, putting on a Disney movie and then accidentally falling asleep on the couch with the TV on. Another thing I like to do is go to sports games and cheer all my frustrations away for just a little bit!

- Diva Parekh, News & Features Editor 

Some days I’ll take a hot bath and do a face mask and listen to Oprah’s Super Soul podcast or This American Life. Other days I’ll go for a run or make my favorite meal: chicken curry and rice. Self care is taking a beat to think about what you most need in the moment and putting those needs at the top of your priority list. 

- Morgan Ome, Editor-in-Chief 

When I get stressed I buy a tub of ice cream on the way home from class, cancel all my plans and watch my favorite TV shows snuggled under my coziest blanket. 

- Meagan Peoples, News & Features Editor 

When I am feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work I have to do or am particularly stressed by personal drama, I sometimes leave my phone in my room and head to Brody or the more aesthetic and calming Gilman. This lets me focus on what I need to accomplish by removing stressful distractions like text messages and social media. That way I can deal with my emotional shit later. 

- Rudy Malcom, Magazine Editor 

Half of feeling good is feeling like you look good. That’s why whenever I’m stressed I put a deep conditioner in my hair and a mask on my face. Not only do I come out of it feeling fresh, but it also forces me to set aside half an hour to let my mind relax.

- Samuel Farrar, Social Media Manager 

Whenever I’m feeling like I need to give myself some TLC, I put on a favorite vinyl on my record player, light a candle and write in my journal. It’s my favorite way to unwind at the end of a day. Growing up, writing has always been my favorite way for me to show myself love because it helps me process and work through my feelings and experiences. Setting the mood with music and candles while I do it also really makes me feel like I’m doing something extra special for myself.

- Kelsey Ko, Editor-in-Chief 

Whenever I feel frustrated or overwhelmed about things that are out of my control, I pick up my guitar and play my all-time favorite songs, or I go to the drum room in the Mattin Center and jam out. Playing the guitar and drums releases all the pent up feelings I have. 

- Eda Incekara, Photography Editor 

When schoolwork has escalated to the point that it’s too much to handle, I rely on two things: a bag of Chex Mix and an episode of Friends. The Original and Turtle flavors are my favorites, and they always go well with the funny, reliable show. I don’t recommend Hot & Spicy or any episodes with Joey/Rachel because they defeat the purpose of self-care.

- Ariella Shua, Your Weekend Editor 

I usually sacrifice a lot of sleep for work/extracurriculars, so listening to calming music and giving myself some time to catch up on sleep helps dissipate some of the stress. For me, listening to music provides a temporary but much needed escape from obligations, deadlines and the generally fast pace of college life.

- Karen Wang, Magazine Editor 

I like to read, binge watch YouTube and eat good food. Sometimes not restraining yourself and completely letting go is a healthy way to take care of your body! Sometimes I’ll take a trip to CharMar and reward myself with a tub of ice cream or grab a boba from T-Swirl. Indulging in things that may seem “bad” for you can sometimes help you too.

- Jeanne Lee, Cartoons Editor

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