Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
September 1, 2024

We all need to come together

October 23, 2014

The Editorial Board would like to extend its heartfelt condolences and support to the family and friends of Yangkai Li. It is always incredibly sad to see a young person’s life end before their time, and this circumstance is no different.

Here at Hopkins, we are all part of a community. We learn together; we live together; we grow together. To lose a member of our community is heartbreaking. We are undoubtedly weakened by the loss of a fellow Blue Jay. And yet it is in these trying times that we are able to come together to strengthen our resolve, helping each other heal in the face of such a void left in our Hopkins family.

We urge all members of the Hopkins community to reach out and support each other, especially those of us who are suffering from this loss or from any other stresses in life. It is important to embrace the resources that our campus has to offer. Hopkins students can always reach the Counseling Center during business hours at 410-516-8278 and through Campus Safety and Security at 410-516-7777 after hours. Residential advisors can offer support and advice as someone to talk to, and A Place To Talk offers the listening ear of a peer.  Nationally, the Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) is always available to address the needs of a person who feels as if they are in imminent danger.

Seeking out help is never something to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. We all experience trying times, and we can all feel overwhelmed and stressed by the pressures we face every day. We all need a little help sometimes; you are not alone.

Furthermore, it is incumbent upon all of us to take care of each other and to look out for one another. Checking in with friends to see how they’re doing and helping them seek support as they need it is a responsibility that we all share.

The Editorial Board hopes that from this tragic situation we can all come together in support of one another and strengthen our community.

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