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Pageant raises funds for cancer research

By GEORGINA RUPP | October 25, 2012

Hopkins’ Most Eligible Bachelor drew a large crowd to Shriver Hall last night to see Hopkins men from various sports teams and fraternities compete in three areas: swimsuit, talent and Q&A. The funds raised at the event support the Katie Oppo Research Fund for ovarian cancer. Oppo, a member of Phi Mu, passed away in the spring of 2010 from the disease.

Kyle Flynn of the Alpha Delta Phi (Wawa) fraternity won the competition.

Sophomore Tara Lawrence, a member of Phi Mu, was looking forward to the event.

“I think it’s a really exciting thing because proceeds go directly to the Katie Oppo Fund, so it really hits close to home,” Lawrence said. “It’s one of the events everyone in Phi Mu has a stake in because so many of the girls knew her so well.”

Sophomore Aniqa Tasnim, an officer in charge of Phi Mu, agreed.

“Our philanthropy goes here only once a year, so it’s special for us,” she said.

The annual event has grown since its conception three years ago.

“This is the third year we’re having this event, so it’s still pretty young,” Tasnim said. Last year, the event was held in Mudd, but Tasnim said Phi Mu was excited to have it in Shriver this year. “It’s a bigger venue and is bringing more awareness to our cause.”

Members of Phi Mu had to contact all the fraternities and male sports teams on campus. “It takes a lot of organization,” Tasnim said. “So we need everyone’s help and make sure everyone contributes.”

Preparing for the event wasn’t easy for its contestants either.

“Prepping for the event has been quite an experience. Training 3 times a day and maintaining a strict diet,” sophomore Carlo Olcese, representing SAE, wrote in an email to The News-Letter.

“I went to a practice on Tuesday for an hour but I had a test this morning, so I’ve just been trying to memorize the lyrics for the song and dance that everyone does in a couple of hours,” sophomore Christian Wright of FIJI, just hours before he took the stage, said.

Nevertheless, the hard work was worthwhile.

“I decided to represent my fraternity because I figured I had the least amount of self dignity of all my bros,” Olcese wrote. “For the competition I will be sporting a pink speedo, doing a sexy strip tease, and showcasing my impeccable dance moves.”

Three Phi Mu judges give each participant a score and these scores are added to the amount of money donated by members of the audience. “Every dollar is like a vote,” Tasnim said.

Flynn performed “I’ll Make a Man out of You” from Mulan and received praise for his rendition.

“The Mulan was great and a classic,” sophomore Julia Broach said.

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