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August 31, 2024

Breastival fundraises as part of Greek Week

By GEORGINA RUPP | October 25, 2012

On Saturday, Oct. 20, Greek Week began with alpha Kappa Delta Phi sorority’s eleventh annual Breastival event on the Beach. The event’s purpose was to raise awareness about breast cancer through various information tables set up on the Beach.

“The mission of Breastival™ is to provide breast health and cancer education for college students and to promote personal use of the information learned. The event is not intended as a fundraiser, but as an educational program. We did, however, fundraise at the event, by selling raffle tickets and t-shirts. This money goes straight toward the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade,” Lucy Gao, alpha Kappa Delta Phi Vice President of Service, wrote in an email to The News-Letter.

Attendees learned about aKDPhi’s cause while having the opportunity to enter a raffle, eat free pizza and hear the Sirens and Vocal Chords perform.

Sami Carter, a sophomore member of the Sirens, enjoyed the event.

“It seems like the event was really fun,” Carter said. “People were getting there just as we began performing. There were a lot of parents there to watch us. After our concert, some of us went to the stations, which were very informative, but everything was casual and low-key.”

Gao said that the event was more fiscally successful than the event last year.

“We raised more money last year than this year,” Gao wrote, “especially since this year we focused more on the educational aspect of the event. But this year’s Breastival was the first time that we partnered up with Greek Week, and that really helped boost the number of participants.”

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