Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
October 6, 2024

Students walk/drive “drunk” on quad

By Ian Yu | September 13, 2012

Students wore beer goggles and tried to drive golf carts and walk in a straight line as a part of yesterday’s Beer Goggle Obstacle Course. The event was run by the Center for Health Education and Wellness (CHEW) and Campus Safety & Security as a part of orientation to spread awareness of how dangerous it is to drive drunk.

“We held the event to raise awareness around alcohol education and the dangers of driving while intoxicated, as well as walking under the influence,” CHEW Health Educator Alanna Biblow said.

Students were able to try on different levels of beer goggles, ranging from just above what CHEW deems the safe level of drinking to goggles that cause people to see double vision. Biblow pointed out that the goggles only affect people’s sights and not any other senses

“I think alcohol awareness in general is really important, especially among freshmen,” sophomore Preventative Empowerment and Education for Peers (PEEPS) member Katrina Rios said. “[They’re] in an environment that they’re not used to, [it’s important] to understand that there’s always a consequence to drinking.”

Freshman Tomas Rojas tried the golf cart to see what it would be like to drive drunk. “I just wanted to see how challenging it was,” he said. “It was actually challenging. And [I tried it] to know why you shouldn’t do it.”

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