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Junior class undergoes changes in class council

By Rian Dawson | September 13, 2012

Earlier this week, the junior class welcomed Sean Glass as president and Dylan Gorman as a new senator after past president Merrill Anovick took a leave of absence from the University to intern with Google this fall.

“That was a great feeling when I got the call,” Glass said. “I don’t know what to say. I was actually at a loss for words. I think I can bring a lot to the table. I have a great team and they’re all really willing to work hard and I hope I can direct them in a way to fully utilize their abilities.”

Glass had originally been elected as a senator in the May general election. But following Anovick’s departure, he was selected to fill the junior class president position. This was done following an SGA scheme already in place for such scenarios. It mandates that the vacated space must be filled by someone whom has already been elected, with a selection process consisting of a peer review of the candidate by other members of the class council.

Glass’s ascension to presidency left a vacant senate seat and the search to fill it was opened up to the student body. Gorman was elected by his class.

In spite of the change-up in the hierarchy, the junior class is still brimming with ideas to fulfill their class platform of: class, community, career services and “the little things.”

“We’re looking to do a lot with student community here, trying to bring the classes together,” Glass said. “And we’re definitely looking to improve some of the little things around campus. One thing we’re hoping to do in the next semester is bring a fruit cart to the campus once a week.”

One of the main things of concern for both Glass and Gorman is morale. Gorman cited it as one of his motivations for wanting to join student government at Hopkins.

“I was here over the summer and you kind of get a sense of how depressing this place can be if people aren’t involved,” he said. “I knew what it could be like, and I want to help make this year as fun as possible for everyone.

Of the other ideas the council is entertaining, Glass mentioned another inherent morale booster: a spirit week.

“We’re hoping to do a spirit week one week where there’s a pajama day and the next day is something different,” he said. “We’ll give out little prizes for people who are in spirit.”

Additionally, there is a movement to bring about video announcements. It’s viability, however, is still being discussed.

“Right now, it’s [video announcements] purely for the executive council,” Glass said. “But we’re also looking at doing it on a class to class basis. So we’ll see if that pulls through in the next several months.”

Both Glass and Gorman are optimistic regarding events planned, as well as the team dynamic.

“I really like the team this year,” Gorman said. “I’m looking forward to the actual process. What’s great is we all get along, which is a good start. Everyone wants the best for the class, and [we all bring] so many different viewpoints. Just having that perspective is good.”

Though it’s early yet in his tenure as president, Glass doesn’t anticipate many insurmountable obstacles.

“[There are always] things you have to work through—our financing, getting the go-ahead from the higher-ups,” Glass said. “I think that’s going to be the biggest obstacle, [and also] figuring out how to make our events so they can be processed by the whole school.”

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